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Development of adsorption materials made from artificial zeolite

private 2008/ Shikoku
Purpose Development of effective utilization method of waste generated from thermal power plant
Target substances:

■Form of research

Collaborative research with electric power affiliates


Processing into artificial zeolite is one of the effective uses of coal ash generated from thermal power plants.
Artificial zeolite has various functions. It has an adsorption effect on cationic species such as lead and cadmium.
However, it is inactive against  anionic species such as arsenic and selenium.
Therefore, we developed the method of expansion the adsorption function of artificial zeolite.


We have developed a new adsorption material for anionic species such as arsenic and selenium by specially processing  the surface of
Artificial zeolite. We have named it the CAMZ series.
Two related patents 「No. 5037950、 5001202」